Why Jesus is a better story to live by

Sir Ben Okri, Nigerian-born British poet writes: “One way or another we are living the stories planted in us early or along the way, we are also living the stories we planted - knowingly or unknowingly - in ourselves. We live the stories that either give our lives meaning, or negate it with meaninglessness. If we change the stories we live by, quite possibly we change or lives.”

We all live by a story or collection of stories. Those stories tell us tales of who we are, what we are worth, what our purpose and meaning are and what the future means for us. Parts of those stories we choose. Others were chosen for us and some have just slipped into our subconscious. 

A Better Story is a series of talks in Emmanuel Church’s morning service and seminars in our evening service for atheists, all religious backgrounds, skeptics and Christians, young and old. It’s an opportunity to reflect on and examine some of our culture’s mainstream stories we live by. We’ll compare those narratives against the best story ever - God come to rescue us in Jesus Christ. 

The stories we live by shape us, but not all stories are good for us!  Make a new start in the new year by examining the stories you live by and reflecting on whether there is a Better Story to Live By.”

Sundays at 10am and 6pm

Identity | 12th January 2025

Why being true to yourself breeds anxiety
The joy of being who Jesus says I am

Freedom | 19th January 2025

Why doing what I want starves a life of love
The freedom of Christ to enjoy a life of love

Happiness | 26th January 2025

Why doing what makes you happy leaves you hungry
The delight of Jesus that satisfies

Power | 2nd February 2025

Why power to the people produces conflict
The power and peace of submitting to Jesus