Join us at one of our Sunday services for worship, prayer, and a message from the Bible.
There's plenty of time to meet everyone afterwards over a cup of coffee.
Our 10am service is livestreamed on YouTube for those unable to join us on a Sunday morning.
Sundays @ 6
Our evening service is a smaller and more contemplative gathering. Everyone’s welcome to join although there’s no special provision for young children. We celebrate Holy Communion once a month.
Yes! Everyone is welcome to join us at Emmanuel whether you've been attending church your whole life or this is your first time. We would love to meet you.
Whatever you feel most comfortable in. You'll find people in full suits sitting next to those in shorts, t-shirt and flip flops. We're one big family at Emmanuel.
Of course! We love having children at Emmanuel. We have groups for 0-14 during our morning service so they will have lots of opportunities to have fun with others their age.
There is parking on the streets around the church: arrive 15 minutes early and you'll find a slot easily enough, especially on a Sunday, but do check restrictions carefully. Contact us if you need more information
We do try to begin our services on time, and you'll get more from the services if you're settled before they begin. But, come when you can! You're always welcome.
Not at all. If you wish to give, we have a secure donations box in our foyer. There is no obligation to put money in it.
Communion is a reminder of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and all he has done for us. People go to the front to receive a small portion of bread and wine. If you're not sure about participating, just stay in your seat. Communion takes about 15-20 minutes at the end of the main section of the service.
We hope you'll find a sympathetic listening ear and a wise response from the members of our church family. If you have something very sensitive, ask the service leader or the welcome team on the door, and they'll direct you to someone suitable.
Our main worship area is accessible with step free access and we have a hearing loop available. Our under 5s meet downstairs and our 5-14s meet upstairs for their groups.